tirsdag den 27. marts 2012

When I tell people about my project here, they all have ideas and it is quite interesting. In all of the ideas there is one thing that goes again: That art is somehow to depict nature in a 'godly' light. I have made some art before where you could definitely argue that there's references back to romantic periods and you could also argue that it is depicting nature in a 'godly light'.
Only thing is : I am not a christian, I would even go as far as saying that I am more towards atheism than anything else. I've been denying to myself that my art works would refer back in art history. The thing is ; They do.
A german guy told me about a cave where the light enters only from a round hole at the top of the cave and produces a single ray of light that illuminates the water in it. My photo of it does not exist yet, and now that there's a description of it , would the photo bring anything more to the story ? I am sad to say that I think not.